Descubra el poder de nuestras herramientas eléctricas especializadas. Soluciones innovadoras para el granallado sin granalla.

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En tierra y en mar. Probando, removiendo, limpiando, perfilando. Technología innovadora de granallado que asegura la mejor unión posible. Los mejores recubrimientos y selladores del mundo merecen la mejorpreparación de superficie para sus productos.

Profundidad completa para la protección sostenible a largo plazo de sus bienes.


El óxido es el mayor enemigo de los metales.Una buena preparación de la superficie asegurala mejor unión posible entre la superficie y el revestimiento.

Xem thêm: Các Kiểu Tóc Lửng Dễ Thương, Sành Điệu Cùng Các Kiểu Tóc Lửng Đẹp Cho Mùa Thu


Puede eliminar el óxido, las pegatinas, las calcomanías, los residuos de adhesivo de diferentes superficies con nuestras bandas. Hay una banda adecuada para cada tipo de superficie.


Desde la industria hasta la marina, desde autos, aviones y trenes hasta infraestructuras públicas importantes como puentes, autopistas y puertos. Tenemos las soluciones de preparación para todo tipo de revestimientos protectores y selladores.


Frits is passionate about game-changing alternate products which contribute to a more sustainable world. Passively he invest in various concepts ranging from fashion glasses, hotelsahead, real estate, corrosion-resistant packaging, and in a social network software firm, and actively he devote his days to proteft steel against corrosion. He does have a 20 years trackrecord in sales, marketing, development and manufacturing of problem solving corrosion problems ranging from start-ups, scale-ups and for stockquoted corporations as CEO. The area is pipe welding, surface preparation, coating, sealing, rust passivation, insulation, inspection, testing and corrosion monitoring is my place. Fearless, as a team he enjoys changing smaller operations into larger professional companies.

Xem thêm: Tã Giấy Cho Bé Sơ Sinh Giá Tốt Tháng 10, 2022 Tã & Bô Em Bé, Nên Dùng Miếng Lót Hay Tã Dán Tốt Cho Trẻ Sơ Sinh

During his life he has been fortunate to work with and learn from self-made entrepreneurs like Mr. Van Riemsdijk of Asito, or Frans Nooren of Stopaq, John Rich of Berry Plastics. All what is takes is to make the impossible possible. For this, a vision, mission and the right approach is needed in order to stand out versus competition. Without competition you can”t win. Focus, discipline and teamwork creates our succes and joy. It binds us and makes us proudly different.



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